有人提到用AI做会议纪要。会议纪要其实是一个特别粗浅,然而很困难的领域,具体为什么困难我们下面说 …
有人提到用AI做会议纪要。会议纪要其实是一个特别粗浅,然而很困难的领域,具体为什么困难我们下面说 …
(From my message in the AI Productivity Training Camp group chat)
Someone mentioned using AI for meeting minutes. In fact, meeting minutes are a very basic yet difficult area, and we'll explain why it's challenging below. What I envision is a knowledge engine that can, on one hand, collect and …
在上一篇文章中,我们探讨了为什么知识型视频的信息密度这么低,但是还有很多up主去做。 受大家的讨论启发,我做了一个小工 …
In the previous article, we explored why informational videos often have low information density, yet many content creators continue to produce them. Inspired by our discussions, I developed a small tool that allows you to perform speech recognition on videos without leaving the YouTube or Bilibili app, enabling quick reading …
每个微信群里总会有几个月经问题,比如摄影群里的等效光圈,天文摄影群里的长曝光好还是短曝光好。这 …