Articles by grapeot

  1. 关于粗心

    我觉得这是一个非常普适的问题,不仅限于数理化的考试,更适用于日常工作。比如我在实际工作中干过跟老板汇报我们 …

    Tagged as : Chinese
  2. Food Inc.

    今天看了一个纪录片叫Food Inc。主题是食品工业已被寡头控制,向上勾结立法执法部门,向下欺压工人农民。导致的后果是食 …

    Tagged as : Chinese
  3. Adding a Delay to IFTTT Recipes

    Ifttt is the de facto hub for smart home now. Nearly everything can be connected to it and personally I have ~20 connected devices (hue, WeMo, echo, lock, thermostat, ...) and tens of recipes. But one thing ifttt still cannot do is adding delay to the recipes. Say, I have a …

    Tagged as : SmartHome English

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