Articles in the Life category

  1. FAQs to Learning to Fly

    Finally got my private pilot certificate... Become a certified airplane pilot en. Provide some FAQs here and hope it may help you.

    What can a private pilot certificate bring you?

    I would compare it to getting a driver's license. For example, when we hear there is a good Chinese restaurant …

    Tagged as : Aviation English
  2. Inspiration Fragments

    • PhD阶段的一个很大的经验教训是,很多事情都很难,需要付出很多精力才能取得一点点成就和别人的承认。所以一方面需要耐心再耐心,慢慢打怪练级,一 …
    Tagged as : Chinese
  3. Reading Notes: the Power of Habit

    I was reading the book "The power of habit" recently and got some inspirations. This is not a summary of the book, but more like a narration from my point of view.

    Basically the book is about how to take advantage of a thing named "habit", which is defied as …

    Tagged as : ReadingNotes English

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