在之前我们做了一些尝试,使用AI语音识别和AI来辅助进行表达和输入。经过一年多的时间,一方面我觉得这个工具特别有用,可以极大地拓展了我思维的深度 …
Comparison of AssemblyAI and OpenAI Whisper API
Previously, we made many attempts using AI voice recognition and AI to aid in expression and input. After more than a year, on one hand, I find this tool particularly useful as it greatly expands the depth of my thinking and saves me time from correcting typos. On the other …
使用Builder's Mindset重定义AI工具
在ChatGPT刚刚推出的时候,我就尝试过用它来规划旅行,但整个体验非常糟糕。比如它经常出现幻觉,把地址搞错,或者推荐一个并不存在的景点 …
Redefine AI tools with a Builder's Mindset
When ChatGPT was first launched, I tried using it to plan a trip, but the experience was quite poor. It often hallucinated, got addresses wrong, or recommended non-existent attractions. Since the interface was entirely text-based, I couldn't see the locations of the attractions on a map. I eventually had to …
在ChatGPT发布以后,基础大模型(Foundation Model)这个词一下子火了起来。不论是各个自媒体,还是科研单位和企业,都在热火朝天地探讨基础大模型 …