我们之前开发的基于GPT的语音录入工具已经经历了两次迭代。最初的构想是一个简单的快速录入工具,让我们能够在短时间内通过语音 …
Iteration 3 of GPT Knowledge Management
Our GPT-based voice input tool has undergone two iterations since its initial development. The original concept was a simple and fast input tool that allowed us to generate large amounts of text through voice input in a short time, such as typing about 300 Chinese characters per minute. The previous …
最近,我觉得这个世界变得越来越科幻。三个月前,我还认为GPT只是一个自媒体上的标题党,不过是一个跟人类可以对话的概率模型而已。但在过去一个 …
Got scared by GPT
Recently, I've been feeling that the world is becoming increasingly science fiction-like. Three months ago, I thought GPT was just a sensational headline on self-media, merely a probabilistic model that could converse with humans. But in the past month, I've delved into GPT's capabilities and have been repeatedly amazed by …
记录一下近期对基于GPT的语音速记工具的产品迭代的过程。以前我在开发这个语音录入工具时,已经对GPT的能力边界进行了很多探索。我觉得它在很 …