



Dr. Ya Ge, a visionary in the field of Computer Vision and Machine Learning with a Ph.D. from Columbia University, stands at the forefront of innovative applications of GPT. With 10+ U.S. patents, 20+ papers on top conferences/journals, and impactful algorithms used by billions globally, Ya's expertise bridges the gap between theoretical research and real-world applications. His commitment to exploring GPT's capabilities since its inception underpins his belief that humanity is on the cusp of a new industrial revolution, where proficiency in GPT can provide a decisive productivity advantage. Ya's diverse achievements, from being an Olympic torchbearer to hosting a photography exhibition with Leica, underscore his multifaceted approach to innovation and makes him an unparalleled mentor for those seeking to leverage GPT's transformative power in their professional journey.


Dr. Ya Ge is deeply committed to creating functional products by developing specific mechanisms, fostering continuous innovation, and utilizing effective tools. His algorithm has been integrated into Photoshop, Bing, and Pinterest, benefiting millions of users. His achievements have also attracted global media attention. Ya has contributed to advancing human science by publishing over 20 papers at top-tier conferences and securing more than 10 U.S. patents. Since the emergence of GPT, Ya has been diligently exploring its potential, gradually forming a strong belief that we are at the cusp of a technological revolution akin to that of steam engines. He posits that individuals proficient in AI could have a significant advantage over those who are not. Leveraging his proven career coaching skills, Ya has discovered a practical and effective method to enhance productivity.


Dr. Ya Ge has devoted his passion into building working solutions to complicated engineering problems since he got his PhD degree in Columbia University. With emphasis on tailored mechanism, continuous innovation, and specialized tools, Ya consistently delivered algorithms and systems to Photoshop, Bing, and Pinterest, which have benefited millions of people and got widely reported by global media. Ya also contributed to pushing the boundary of human science by publishing 20+ papers on top conferences/journals and inventing 10+ US patents. Since the initial appearance of Large Language Models (LLMs, often referred as AI), Ya has been exploring its potential and gradually built a belief that, we are at an intersection of technology revolution similar to steam engines, and people who know how to properly use AI may build a decisive advantage over those who don't.


在与合伙人课代表的讨论中,我意识到第二个版本与第三个版本之间存在显著差异,尽管它们的基本内容和结构完全相同。AI的措辞显得特别diplomatic,带有一种疏离感。如果将人类写作比作一个人在讲台上热情洋溢地演讲,那么AI写作则像是一个外交官冷漠地念稿。这种疏远感导致文本缺乏感染力和说服力。比如人肉版本的开头has devoted his passion into building working solutions。devote,passion,working,寥寥数语却非常opinionated。相比之下,AI写的deeply committed to creating functional products 就平淡如水。



  1. 决定是否采用AI并非一个简单的非黑即白的问题,关键在于搞清楚我们要落到其中哪一档,或者哪几档的结合。
  2. 判断是否使用AI不仅仅是一个技术层面的考量,或者说AI是否有能力完成任务,同时也涉及到非技术层面的问题。例如,在AI卖课这种严肃的场景下,如果用户花费数百美元却得到一盘预制菜,这本身就是对用户的不尊重。因此,选择不使用AI不仅仅是因为AI的能力限制,更重要的是体现出我们对用户的尊重。
  3. 通过这次实验,我对AI写作与人类写作之间的差异有了更深刻的理解。以前我只是觉得AI写的文章看起来有些诡异,一股AI味儿。但经过深入的实验、思考和讨论,我对它在用词选择和感染力上的微妙差异有了更深刻的体会。
