Articles by grapeot

  1. 0708杂想

    今天和师兄(Lei)师姐(Yisha)还有HH一起出去玩,在未来的职业,创业等方面有了挺多讨论。其实参加了整段对话之后还是挺自卑的,因为很多 …

    Tagged as : Chinese
  2. F# Revisited

    I was interested in F# because of some of its fun usages, and the ease to do asynchronous and parallel computing. Used F# to implement some domain specific language like Turtle and fractal effect this afternoon. Basically the tasks themselves are nearly the same as this post and this post …

    Tagged as : English
  3. Lumia 900

    Got a Lumia 900 after using iPhone for quite a long time. It's very different from iPhone. Some are good, while some are bad.

    • Smooth OS experience: This is a big plus. The system is very responsive, and the back key is pretty handy.
    • Input method: The keyboard amazes me …
    Tagged as : English
  4. Thoughts about convex optimization

    Just finished the final of convex optimization. This is really an interesting course, which even changed the way I'm looking at this world. In college, I was thinking in an algorithmic way, i.e., to solve a problem, will try to design some certain steps, following which we can get …

    Tagged as : PhD Math English

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