本文是《WeChat Bot系列》系列的一部分:
- 能理解聊天记录的微信机器人(本文)
- 能理解聊天记录的微信机器人(二)
- 能理解聊天记录的微信 …
Indoor air can be much more polluted than the outdoor air. There are some "smart air purifier" like Dyson Air Purifier on the market, but they are usually very pricey, and lack APIs for customization. That's why I used a Raspberry Pi to build a smart air monitoring system, which …
The motivation is, it's getting cold in Seattle. And the condo we live reached an extent that we cannot bear any more. In addition to buying more (and more) heaters, I also began to think about where the energy went, because our monitoring system shows that the new heaters brought …
After I released the IFTTT delay API, there was some interesting discussion going on in the comments. At the same time, I also found the delay API is still too simple. It still couldn't pass any information other than the event name. And this caused troubles in the applications of …
首先是一些新的设备加入进来了,现在能 …