Ifttt is the de facto hub for 智能家居 now. Nearly everything can be connected to it and personally I have ~20 connected devices (hue, WeMo, echo, lock, thermostat, ...) and tens of recipes. But one thing ifttt still cannot do is adding delay to the recipes. Say, I …
Articles in the Computing category
Amazon Echo在智能家居中的应用
我对Echo的SmartHome功能尝试的比较多。家里有智能窗帘,开关,插座(控制各种电器),灯泡,甚至安防系统和门锁。都和ifttt连了起来,可以通过Siri和Alexa进行控制(除了门锁只读,否则你跑我 …
花了两个月的时间,断断续续做了一些智能/自动家居的改造。感觉自动家居果然是要成体系才会比较有意思——现在的生活 …
Easy EC2 Sharing (While You Pay the Bill)
AWS is becoming more and more useful for our research, given its ease to build clusters, and the generous sponsor from people.co, we are using it extensively for research. To save cost, we definitely want to shut the machines down when they are not in use. However, the fact …
Easy and cheap cluster building on AWS
It often requires a lot of computational resources to do machine learning / computer vision research, like extracting features from a lot of images, and training large-scale or many classifiers. Therefore people use more than one machines to do the task. The procedures are often like, copy executable/data files …